Sunday, September 29, 2013

Pork Afritada

I have always wondered how my mom makes her special afritada and now, I know! If you're in the mood for some home-cooked goodness, read on:

I made this batch good for 10 servings, so here's what you'll need:

7 lbs pork rib meat, cubed (or any meat; I'm just partial to pork spare ribs)

1 medium onion, diced

2 large tomatoes, diced

1 cup annatto water (if using atsuete, make enough for 1 cup)

3 cups water or chicken broth (approximate)

1/2 cup white vinegar

2 cups frozen green peas (optional)

1 medium green pepper, sliced

1 medium red pepper, sliced

1 cup quatered potatoes

Salt and pepper to taste.

Patis, if desired

Here's how to make:

1. Using a large pot, saute onions & tomatoes until tomatoes are fully wilted (almost like the consistency of tomato sauce).

2. Add pork until browned. Season with salt and pepper. Add annatto water. Mix so that all pork is red. Cover pork with just enough water or chicken broth. The broth makes it more flavorful. You may or may not use all 3 cups. Allow to boil on high heat.

3. When boiling, add vinegar. Cook until pork tenderizes, stirring occasionally to ensure even cooking. It took me approximately 45 minutes for the pork to cook.

4. Add potatoes then add peppers & green peas.

5. Taste to your liking. Add patis, if preferred. Enjoy over hot rice.


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