Saturday, September 21, 2013

Caramel Syrup for Leche Flan

I went through four, yes, four tries of trying to make caramel syrup today for leche flan. Every time I made it, the sugar would crystalize & I would end up throwing it away. I searched the net for ways to make it "right" and on my fourth try, with Mommy by my side, we finally made good caramel!

Here's how it was done:

You will need 1 cup granulated whilte sugar & 1/4 cup water

A lot of patience

Mix the sugar & water together in a heavy bottomed saucepan. Over medium heat, allow to boil. DO NOT STIR. Stirring it will cause to crystalize beyond repair. Once boiling, over low heat, allow the liquid to evaporate.

You will see that the sugar will re-crystalize into clumps of white madness. Do not panic (like I did), in the bottom of the saucepan, the sugar continues to melt and brown. It continues to thicken into caramel syrup! With a wooden spoon, help the sugar along to melt. Once all the sugar has melted and blended into the amber syrup, remove from heat to prevent burning and tasting sour.

Pour immediately in ramekins for leche flan use.

Allow to harden before pouring leche flan batter.

In hindsight, when I chucked previous trials, the syrup was going through what it was supposed to go through...and I was just impatient. Just ask my mom!


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