The place was clean--although it had dated pink patterned carpets and even older booths and counter seats. It was like walking into a 1940's diner! The menu and prices were reasonable. They had the usual American breakfast items as well as staple burgers and sandwiches. I believe they are open only for breakfast and lunch.
I ordered their eggs benedict. It's been a while since I had this and always want to try it out on a regular weekday. Most breakfast places only serve benedicts as their weekend specials. The hollandaise sauce was just right. It seemed like it was freshly made. It was runny and didn't taste like it was pre-heated at all. The eggs were poached well, but the muffin seemed like it could have been toasted a bit more and the Canadian bacon was thinner than what I would have liked. But for a mere $10, it was an okay deal.
What I liked about this place was it's homey feel. Each table had beautiful orchid plants on them and the flowers were a-plenty. I was tempted to ask the owner how she made them bloom like that!
Overall, Westlake Coffee Shop is an okay neighborhood place. I really should be patronizing the local business owners more often because most of the time, I'm pleasantly surprised and walk away with a good full stomach.